Wednesday, November 14, 2007

they say... "I'm under ATTACK!!!"

Ive been attacked by the homie, STILL_POCAHONTAZ...

Four things I like to cook
1. Chicken or Seafood Fettuccine
2. Stuffed Bell Peppers
3. Chicken over rice (chicken... go figure right)
4. Spaghetti (mines is BOMB!!!)

Four qualities I love in people
1. Humor
2. Respect
3. Ambition (for something in ur life)
4. Love for Life

Four places I have been
1. Washington D.C.
2. Las Vegas
3. Chicago
4. Phillie

Four thing in my bedroom
1. Bed
2. Wardrobe
3. T.V.
4. A black woman (hahahaha... sometimes!)... its a good look with my room!

Four dirty words I like
1. Fuck (usually when im pissed or bein funny)
2. Shit (this is such a convenient word)
3. Muh-fukka (pronounced jus like that... dont use it often but i like it)
4. Pu$$y (when a woman says it... lmao... 4real that just does it 4 me)

Four people I’m taggin'.... SMITTY, MR. UNDERHILL, annnnnnd YAZMAR,


MsFreshBananaPuddin said...

I forgot you can cook. When I’m done using the microwave ima stop by…

Jazzy said...

lmao@your bomb spagetti...yeah yeah, that's what all men say!!

smh@ you adding a "black woman" as one of the "things" in your bedroom. lol!

Miss Snarky Pants said...

LOL @ your answer "Spaghetti (mines is the bomb)".

[Whispering: That's what Chef.Boy.R.Dee thinks about his too ;-)]

G-Sweet said...

MS. P... yep u be missin out

O-DIVA...... hahaha... i got co-signers tho... mines is legit tho... i promise

and YES... "black women" make my room look GREAT!!!... u laffin but im 4real!

Ms. B... chef boy r dee wishes he had my recipe

CHA CHA said...

mmm...stuff bell peppers is the bizness..fa sho'!

I bet my spaghetti is better than yours..LOL, and we live a couple hours away from each other so I ain't scurred if you wanna have a cook out..LOL