Thursday, December 13, 2007

they say... "ART imitates LIFE"

okay! 1st let apologize for being the last mothaf*cka on the planet to see American Gangster...

See what had happened was... i wanted to see it in the theater, and me and a certain some1 said we'd see it 2gether (wont fall for that but they seen it and i didnt want to go with some1 who seen it already... outside of that i gotta give it to the bootleggers of the world for having the movie a monthe b4 it came out in the theaters... so i had a hell of a time avoiding seein it at every fuckin bodies house... BUT none-the-less i paid my good money to go see it...

NOW... on to the question @ hand... am i the only 1 that watches movie of the nature and then for a split second want/think about doin some illegal shit!

i was lookin @ all the MONEY in the movie like lemme jus get a handful and id be happy...

if u've ever felt like this what movie were u watching, and what were u thinkin?


Miss Snarky Pants said...

For starters, you're definitely NOT the last person on the planet to see American Gangster cuz' I still haven't [even tho' I copped the bootleg bout' 2 weeks before the movie hit theatres].

I've definitely watched a movie or two that made me entertain the thought [for all of half a second] about breakin' da law.

Felt that way after watchin' Set It Off...Shoot a sistah was on the horn with the girls on some ole': Yo...y'all think we could pull that shyt off??? [LOL].

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen it either. Just not motivated, since we all know how it ends. So you don't have to feel bad about waiting so long to see it.

CapCity said...

Hmmm ... i'm never usually one of the first to see a movie - but this cast was a major INCENTIVE for me - IDRIS, COMMON AND Denzel? WHAT!? Whew...okay...

Response 2 your question: initially, I was like HALE naw - I'm so chicken: drugs are addictive & guns "hurt"! LOL! But, for real - if I had/when I get the Bangin' Body that I dream of/need 2 work harder to get - I could see being an dancer or escort - IF it's possible that no ONE could EVER TOUCH ME!! I'd have to hire some BIG azz Martial artist/gun totin' Brother Body Guard:-). LOL! but then - i guess those aren't really illegal trades - just dangerous/undesirable trades...

CHA CHA said...