Wednesday, July 18, 2007

they say... "they know me"

2days inspiration comes from everybody(not really everybody) speakin' on me... not just in a negative connotation but just all around...

I'll start with a situation from a week or two ago where this chick that i have no affiliation with finds my who, what, and where abouts highly interesting... interesting enough to tell people what she thinks my relationship situations and/or status are, now i could care less about what she said AS LONG AS IT WAS TRUE... but cmon' u know that would be too much like right to just tell the honest to God truth... so this bootsy ass chick says that I tried to talk to her annnnd my play sister... now i'll admit im a flirt but she aint even close to cute or attractive TO ME... and i have never looked @ my play sister like that because she is hella coo' and her and my best friend have always liked each other, so it aint even been close to that level...

so a few days after that what do ya know i go to a club, i get in line, and guess whos standin in right in front of me?... hell yea its this messy ass chick... so i ignore her, jus act like she dont exist... she says "hi" to my boy and i jus act like i dont see her... okay so then we get in the club and shes takin pics of some of our homegirls and as we walk in our homegirls are like take some pics with us... so now thie chick decides 2 say "hi" and wave @ US... so i opt out to once more act like shes invisible... so she goes and snaps 2 pics and we proceed into the club... I HAD HELLA FUN BY THE WAY!

So the next day... word on the street(from HER mouth) is that a girl grabbed her and told her and said, "can you take a picture of me and my man?"... im like WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

now mind you... there were 4 people in the pic... me, my best friend, my homegirl from highschool, and her friend(that i met once b4 but couldnt even remember her name)... so for someone to make that dumb ass comment above would be stupid... but even worse... THE SHIT WAS NEVER SAID... i was standing right next to all 4 people when my homegirl EXACTLY said' "get a picture wit all of us"...

there is more but i dont want to even keep writing on this topic(right now)... so in conclusion:

I understand my life is probably more interesting than some, but if your gonna play private eye @ least say what you seen and heard and that way i'll at least respect u...


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