Wednesday, August 20, 2008

they say... "HE got GAME!"

I'd vote for him jus based off of his jump shot... i like the fact that we can potentially have a president that can play a sport be sides golf, fuck old outta shape white men (sorry that came outta nowhere)


Eb the Celeb said...

bout damn time you

CapCity said...

And I like that initial li'l "fake" shake in the first 5 seconds! LOL!

Tom_Gurl said...

He sure does! Dude's making history...oh how I love it!!

Muze said...

first president with a j...

gotta love that. lol.

Sasha said...

i saaay you're silly as hell for that.

and you look like my best friend and its creepin me out!!


Smitty said...

I'll dunk on Obama! Just to say I shitted on the President.

kit von b. said...

yay! glad ur posting again.