Sunday, May 11, 2008

they say... "he NEEDS his lil' ass BEAT!"

It's been on the news... BUT... just in case u havent... PEEP THIS SHIT!...

CLASSIC LINE FROM A 7 YR. OLD, "i just wanted do hoodrat suff wit my friends!"

this is my birth control for the rest of 08'...

his grandmother is pissed!


Eb the Celeb said...

hahaha... that was my fav line too... I was dead the first time I heard that

G-Sweet said...

my mom woulda just served the time for my murder,,, straight up! (but im serious!)

Smitty said...

If your name is "La Terrian" your prolly gonna be a criminal. LOL.....this looks like one of those "Onion" news stories.

He rode that bitch until the wheels literally fell off!

Oh yeah...when the cameras went off, please believe she beat his ass.

kit von b. said...

i'm adopting this kid. soooooooo fucking punk rock.