Saturday, April 12, 2008

they say... "its from the SOUL"

jus came across this and was soooo feelin' the vibe... sometimes i wish a lived in the 70's!!!

he sounds good and he layin down half the damn time... *shakes head*

R.I.P. MG!


kit von b. said...

yea mannnn. a time machine would be dope.


Eb the Celeb said...

Classic... I feel like that sometimes too. Wishing I could have been alive and been able to see MJ on concert when he was still black. I wanna to see if it was that powerful that I would be crying like I see in all the footage of his shows because I just dont get the point of crying at a concert.

MsFreshBananaPuddin said...

I <3 Marvin ...

Smitty said...

I read his biography. He was a very interesting man. When he started to produce his own albums he would lie down and record his vocals. He said it relaxed him more. What people don't know about Marvin is that he was a pedophile....I mean he liked his women a lil younger than the legal age. I believe his 1st wife was only 16 or something like that. It was Berry Gordy's niece or some shit. Either way he was still a musical genius. Sound like anyone we know? *cough* R. Kelly *cough*

G-Sweet said...

KB... I second that motion!

EB... I always found that odd... like what kind of performance would I have to see to start straight up boo-hoo'in @ concert................... nope can't think of 1............ wait is that "the Celeb" on the mic, I take that

PUDDIN... everybody does...

SMITTY... always droppin knowledge sonnnnnn... hahahahaha @ the "*cough cough*"... at least he wasn't pee'in on em... hmmmmm was that illegal back then?... I mean I know it was wrong but was that a law in the good ol' 70's... *mumbling*.... shit they did everything else in the damn 70's

G-Sweet said...

KB... I second that motion!

EB... I always found that odd... like what kind of performance would I have to see to start straight up boo-hoo'in @ concert................... nope can't think of 1............ wait is that "the Celeb" on the mic, I take that

PUDDIN... everybody does...

SMITTY... always droppin knowledge sonnnnnn... hahahahaha @ the "*cough cough*"... at least he wasn't pee'in on em... hmmmmm was that illegal back then?... I mean I know it was wrong but was that a law in the good ol' 70's... *mumbling*.... shit they did everything else in the damn 70's